Wow cant believe its been 4 years sence i made my NG account. this is time capsule for me. understand when i made my account eggoraptor was The Shit . man i wanted to be a animator. i remember looking up the definition of animation around that time to. To give soul. Thats what i wanted to do, i wanted to be a animating god. NG inspired me to chase that dumb little dream of being a broke flash animator who only works for him self. I remember taking a art class going into the 8th grade, and being like this in my start! I swear i must have spent hours Praticeing , praticeing , praticeing. determined to sharpen my skills to be the best damn animator i could be. I did this becase some ass hole told me if i tried hard enough i could do anything. i I was never any good realy. but i posted my first picture i thogut was new grounds worthy. i was so happy when some guy complemented my first drawing i posted. so i praticed and praticed some more... but it was to no succes . you see i am simply a shity artist. So after a while i chouldit draw anything close to what i thought was good, so asked a friend named alex who was a damned talented artist. "So you want to learn how to draw huh?" he asked "Draw me a dog" i drew the best damn dog i chould. he picked it up in his hands and said i shit you not. "Damn man you just cant draw can you?" i gave up after that. i stayed away from NG tbh . the pain of failing a dream was two great. I did try again however sophomore year. i entered a animation class tp give it another shot. reliezed timeDid't make me a better artist. i learned flash, after effects, i also met the first girl i would ever fall in love with in there. (but thats a story for another day) at the end of the year i begged my teacher to let me go to advanced animation next year. how ever she knew i would't make it in there. she must have. she told me she would see what she could do.
the next school year i was assigned a class in Audio Video, but no advanced animation. i figured i give it a try , and thats when it happend. i fell in love. not with a woman ,man, or object. but with movies. that year (last year) i made movies. sure they weren't great, not yet but i could do this. . i could give soul to something of my own, something i love.
And thats how NG changed my life forever
Thank you.
Nick Nino
5 years man, that's a lot in internet years. Let me show you something - Whatever you choose to do, put time into it, to see if you do well. If not, move on. But getting creative can take on many forms, and not all of them need electricity to work.
Your first love, is the yardstick you'll hold all others up to. Strive for a good personal basis, and art will follow.